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现在#Vectorworks2021 已经发布,您有机会从 Vectorworks 领导层和世界各地的用户那里了解新版本的最新创新!

Vectorworks 设计日是我们将于 2020 年 10 月 6 日举办的虚拟活动,其中包括 Vectorworks 首席执行官 Biplab Sarkar 博士、产品开发副总裁 Steve Johnson 和产品营销总监 Rubina Siddiqui 的现场会议。 他们将讨论新功能,重点介绍用户如何从新功能和改进功能中受益。.

10 月 6 日将进行三场直播,以适应全球时区。

  • Europe: 8:00 a.m. ET
  • Americas: 1:00 p.m. ET
  • Asia/Pacific: 7:00 p.m. ET


A现场会议结束后,准备好您的问题,以便与 Sarkar、Johnson 和 Siddiqui 进行问答。 他们已准备好回答您想了解的有关该版本的任何信息 — 这是从 Vectorworks 软件背后的思想中获得答案的绝佳机会!

我们也很高兴分享六个在日常工作中使用 Vectorworks 的设计师的点播演示。 聆听他们讲述 Vectorworks 如何增强现有工作流程并启用全新的工作流程。 这是阵容:

Randy Gerner, GKV Architects

GKV Architects is a full-service architecture and interior architecture firm from New York that has been using Vectorworks for over 25 years.

Nick Lawrence, A&Q Partnership (London)

A&Q Partnership is an award-winning architecture firm who specialize in a wide range of projects, from regenerative efforts to commercial and residential.

Lisa McRavey & Iain Lyon, Raeburn Farquhar Bowen

Raeburn Farquhar Bowen is a landscape architecture firm from Scotland that focuses on green and sustainable infrastructure.

Linette Brown, Origin Studios

Origin Studios from Ottowa, Canada are exhibit design experts who tell stories through innovative spaces.

Derek Lee, PWL Partnership

PWL Partnership is a landscape architecture firm that has worked on Vancouver, Canada’s industrial waterfront every step of the way.

Ben Inskip, Siyan

Siyan is a lighting design and rental house from the UK that has worked with big names like Amy Winehouse, ZZ Top, Coldplay, and Adele.

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